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Romantic my ass. I can't even prevent her from being raped by drunktards


yes you can

- Ser yo, buscar juego similar a TF 

- Encontrar este juego, valoraciones positivas, arte llamativo. Ahora si empieza lo chido.JPG 

- Descargar juego

- Jugar 1 hora 

- Lujuria al 80 con la FMC. Hoy es noche de sexo. JPG

- FMC salir a la calle

- FMC encontrarse con un grupo de vándalos

- FMC tener un bukkake con vándalos, FMC disfrutarlo

- Desinstalar juego 

- Estoy cansado de este mundo y su gente.JPG

Ya enserio la gente que disfruta del NTR deberían hacer un favor a la raza humana y quitarse la vida. 



Wana this game on Steam

Can't install this game on Lenovo xiaoxin pad 😭 Android 11 zui 13🥲

I'm Chinese, and I want to know if I can pay in RMB, and if so, what should I do?







everyone  buying this is supporting pure evil it's not about loli content (it's okay most of the times but not here) the story is just fucked up


Yep, that's.. That's pretty much the most fucked up shit that I saw in last three years Boyz. This is serious.. 


really? what about the story is so fucked? curious


Owning slaves


anyone that has or had this game on there device needs to be swatted. why the FUCK WOULD YOU DOWNLOAD A LOLI PORN GAME!!! IF YOUVE EVER PLAYED THIS, SEEK GOD OR RID YOUR SELF OF YOUR CHILD MOLESTING MIND YOU SICK FUCK!!!



I play this game and I feel bad for the girl because he got abused by her father so im trying to figure out the happy ending I always fail I take care of the girl and don't stress her a lot and I go out with the girl everytime and make her go to school and still have bad ending how can I get the good ending


Bro, just uninstall. why would I have the answer to a sick fucking game.

I don't know it's just like teaching feelings but I thought there's gonna be a happy. Ending

And I uninstalled the game after I played it

You need at least 200 favor in order to get the happy ending. She'll speak up about not wanting to go back to her father and that you taught her to express herself when she didn't want something so she stays and marries you after 5 years. Otherwise, she stays silent and goes back to her father.

Please tell me this is not the final version? There are so many typos and errors I'm honestly surprised that it's playable. And the price tag for the game is a rip off.


after chosing the second option "he is the most important person to me" the game crushes


never mind i found a solution

just click back and do a save game then change language to japanese load your save skip the prologue save your game and change the language back to English

I have the same crash. Fortunately I did a save game before choosing an option. How do you "click back"?


Is this game related to r@ping a minor/ or girl?




If you want it to be sadly yes


btw someone reuploaded the game

In the Mobile/Android version there is a scene after a choice the game crashes and does not come out, is there a way to unlock the scene on Android?

Save the game before the crash. Change the language to Japanese (upper left). Play through the crash point. Save the game. Change the language back to English.

Could you put the Portuguese BR translation?!

How come after some choices the game freezes? I hate closing the game and choosing answers I don't like to continue the story.

is there a french version?


is there a way to turn off the skipping of the shopping or working scene's?

also I don't get why people are dicks about the game. you should have looked at the pictures, seen the tags and read the description, so WHY ARE YOU SUPRISED??? also the English translation is bad, yes but its a long game full of dialogue that's translated in multiple languages. that is a lot of work, and if you don't have translators then of course its going to have broken English. stop complaining and try constructive criticism, y'all are acting like children. I see very few people that aren't yelling about how bad the game is.


The heck is wrong with the English translation? It starts very good and then after some gameplay [10-15 minutes ] gets worse and worse?! 


i dont understand how the English GOT WORSE the farther you play

(2 edits) (+3)

gonna leave this for new people who might download this is a h game so please stop being a white knight here anyways 

1. people mentioned how voice acting is bad but actually it's not that bad the voice acting is like how a broken girl who doesn't value herself also very afraid of people would sound it's not perfect but it's not bad either 

2.if your stuck after choosing a certain choice for pc click on ctrl that does fix the problem

3.the creator made it well u will care about her in the game so people who have a thing for ntr probably gonna like it but if u don't like ntr u can clear the game have happy ending and don't let others take advantage of her also make sure u don't let her lust go over 50 if u want to keep her away from being gang banged 

4.u need at least 100 money everyday or she will die of hunger and u get the bad ending 

that's all it's worth it give it a shot it has a wholesome ending and after working hard for a happy ending u feel happy cus u will feel attached to the girl

Deleted 3 years ago

Why even ask that about a cartoon? Does it turn you on? Yes? Good, No? go look at another anime chick. Its not real bro


man you probably tried your best to make this game, but it's a 4/10 and I'm being generous 

1. The voice actor was so bad I played the game without sound . 

2.The english was ass I got minor headaches here and there . 

3. Screen freezes when you choose some answers 


Love how people are saying negative stuff about this game but paid for it despite seeing the pictures and the description for the game. So what does that say about you? and no I don't plan on paying for this game or playing it at all


Almost every scene while the girl is working where there's a selection of responses, the game freezes after making one of the choices. I can't believe I paid money for a game that constantly breaks, causing me to lose all my progress since the last save.

(1 edit) (+13)(-10)

I enjoyed the game till the mc got horny when seeing the girl get raped. That made me cry. Deleted the game instanlty. I hate the game creator




who the hell gets off on this and why??


okay ngl the porn games are getting out of hand


I agree lol


I want to buy, but I don't know if you will cheat me.


When playing the game when I pick certain choices the game completely freezes and I have to close and reopen and load the save file.

yeah, same here




You're wrong then


ye man wtf


LOOOL yes contact interpol to locate the cartoon caracter from terrible abuse poor girl we got to found and free fer  :) ... wait a minute did you think a image is real person ? do you think if i draw a man dying in coul go to jail for murder IRL ??? seriouly... is it a joke or you really are a snowflake...


sexualizing children fake or real is still fucked up, try and justify it however you want, at the end of the day your still jerking off to little girls

some guy like to jerk off to hijab i think its fuckup and they are couple million in muslim country :) does its make me right ?

some guy like jerk off to other guy i think its discosting that make me right ?

well well welll i got to meditate oin that... did not we even talk abotu animal stuff too ! 

seriouly Epstein add blackmail video of  the crown prince charle of england doing stuff with minor and no one care the world if FuckUp already dont call yourself a White angel i am sure you are you shit at home and its okay whatever you do has long has you no harm anyone I DO NOT WANNA KNOWS :) bye


Call the police then you imbecile.


na how can you be wrong ?! Your Morale standart are above us all !!!

maybe you should create a CULT name the MORAListeElistist Club

i am sure you found many folower !!!

BS off : they is no child here only a drawing :) but if you see something else i am amaze by your imagination.


Why not put this game on steam?I can only find another 3 games on Steam


because it's loli , steam ban loli game

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

Sorry, but the english translation is abysmal. They definitely just ran this through google translate, and called it a day. Also, the window in fullscreen is off-center, so part of the text box gets cut off.

Honestly if the english translation was better, I would recommend, but it's definitely not worth the asking price. 


ok , thank for reply , maybe I will fix english in the future.


The game from a visual standpoint is solid, but it has a major flaw:  The English translation is rather shoddy.  I recommend getting a better translator for future games.  For example:

"Since Mom left, I haven't enjoyed any cakes for birthday." 

This should be edited to say:  "Since mother left, I haven't enjoyed any cake for my birthday."  

Note that I used "mother" instead of "Mom", because Nai seems like someone who would use formal wording - if only out of fear for her God.  A translation is important, because it forms how the player perceives the world.

Anyhow, the process for learning about Nai and her circumstances could be better handled overall.  The scene with her cleaning was good way of demonstrating what her world was like.  Unfortunately, most of the early interactions with her were lore dumps.  Many words, but artificially placed.  Intertwining everyday situations with her damaged persona would work much better.

For example, the first day of her having a meal at the household.  Nai would likely be used to her "master" eating first, then feeding a pet, and finally allowing Nai to have scraps and be grateful for it.  This is a good way for the player to establish how they treat Nai.  Maybe the player does all the work, or perhaps treats Nai as an equal.

The setup for the game is a bit unnatural, such as why police would entrust the player with Nai, and also why Nai's room happens to have women's clothing.  While I haven't progressed far into the game, these initial moments stood out to me, because they made me think the game world to be false.

To sum up my feelings:  I think the developer has potential, but they need to address their shortcomings to become a good, perhaps even great, hentai game developer.

I update new file ,  you can try download it again.

When staging the app on my android, it won't fully install and stops downloading all together. Can I get any help with this problem?

re-download it ? 

I update new file ,  you can try download it again.

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